We Help You Build Your Dream Business
Starting and growing a new business can seem to be totally a hit and miss affair. We definitely felt like this when we first started out. Fortunately, over time we came to realise that the whole thing can be broken down into a series of simple, yet very powerful, steps.
Having perfected this approached through working with businesses of all types and sizes over two decades on both sides of the Globe, we decided to turn it into what we call the Dare-2-Dream experience.
Here are the steps of the Dare-2-Dream that will allow you to play in your passion and build a successful business that will make a positive impact in the world.
- Create an Inspirational Vision for your business.
- Create inspirational Products and Services.
- Harness the Power of Simplicity.
- Build your Dream Team.
- Embrace the power of your Brand.
- Master Marketing and Sales.
- Sanitise your Money Story.
- Give back and create a Legacy.
- Look after YOU.
The great news is that the steps of Dare-2-Dream are not fueled by motivation and perspiration but by inspiration and fun.
We have created a whole set of training courses and mentoring services based on each of the stages of Dare-2-Dream that are designed to enable you to take your business to a whole new level.
Let’s look at what these steps are in more detail.
Module 1: Create an Inspirational Vision for your business
Starting and building a business is so much easier
if you first take the time to write down what your vision for the business is. So, what is a ‘Vision’? It simply means being able to answer the following questions:
- What is the change that you want your business to make in the world?
- Who are the people you see your business serving?
- What will you do for them?
- How will you do it?
- How will you do it better than others?
- What are your standards and values?
- Why should the trust you?
Working through each of these questions and becoming crystal clear on your answers will start you out on the right path to create a really powerful vision for your business.
Getting your Vision right makes it so much easier to turn your passion into that successful business you have dreamed about.
Module 2: Create inspirational Products and Services.
‘Your products and services are how you deliver your promise to your customers.’
When you are building the Vision for your business, you need to answer the following four questions:

- Who are your ideal customers?
- What will you do for them?
- How will you do it?
- How will you do it better?
The answers to these questions will help you to create products and services that are ideally suited to your core customers. This Dare-2-Dream module guides you step by step through exactly how to go about this.
Module 3: Harness the Power of Simplicity
‘There is no such thing as a complicated business, only a business run in a complicated way’.
It is hard to overemphasise the power that a good structure brings to your business and, contrary to what most people might believe, simplicity is the most powerful structure of all.
Simplicity makes your business much more effective
and efficient. It also makes it much easier to train your team and have them perform at the highest level while still making what they do fun, both for them and for your customers.
Module 4: Build Your Dream Team
‘If you haven’t got a team you haven’t got a business, you merely have a job’.
There is nothing wrong with just having a job but it is important not to mistake it for a business because how you grow your income from a job is very different to how you grow the income of a business.
The thought of building a team scares a lot of people. This is understandable because getting it the wrong can be very painful for the owners and very costly for the business. However, getting it the right is far simpler than you might suppose.
This Dare-2-Dream module guides you step-by-step through all of the stages for building, not merely a team, but a dream team.
Module 5: Embrace the Power of Your Brand
‘Your brand is more than just a name, a logo and colours on your website.’
Though it does include all of the above elements things, your brand is much more than this. It is also about such things as your standards and values and those of your ideal customers. Your brand tells the world what your business stands for.
This Dare-2-Dream module guides you through all of the actions you need take to create an awesome and inspirational brand for your business.
Module 6: Master Marketing and Sales
‘Selling is not about conning people. It is about honest, fair exchange.’
This is where many business owners stumble and fall. Many of them have no idea of how to market their business and many (most) of them hate selling.
Together, these two facts can be a huge stumbling block to achieving business success.
This Dare-2-Dream module will help you overcome any blockages that you might have in the areas of marketing and sales while remaining authentic, ethical, true to your values and committed to serving your customer.
Module 7: Sanitise Your Money Story
‘Everybody has a personal ‘story’ around money – for most people it is a bad one!’
Everyone has a personal ‘story’ around money, but what many
business owners don’t realize is just how much a personal negative attitude toward money can limit their business success and prevent them achieving financial freedom.
In this Dare-2-Dream module, we work through a series of processes that will enable you to ‘sanitise’ a negative money story.
Step 8: Giving Back and Leave a Legacy
‘The legacy you leave starts being created on the first day that you go into business.’
Business is not just about making money. Every great entrepreneur knows that it is also about giving back, making a difference and leaving a legacy.
In this Dare-2-Dream module, we work through many of the ways that you can start giving back in your business today and how this can benefit your business and make it even more successful.
We also look at various ways in which you can grow your business so that its values, standards and positive impact on the world will continue beyond your lifetime – should you wish it to.
Step 9: Looking After YOU.
‘If you are working hard in business then you are doing things the wrong way, doing the wrong things or in the wrong business.’
In this Dare-2-Dream module, we will dispel many
bulls**t beliefs that plague the business world that damage peoples wellbeing. The most insidious of these is that hard work is the only path to business success. We will explain why this is so wrong and how seeking the path of least resistance is so right for you, your team, your customers and your bank account.
Remember, you are your greatest business asset and, as such, you have a responsibility to look after yourself, just like you look after all your other assets, on behalf of the business.